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Tooltip on top [tooltip position="top" text="Tooltip on top" link="#"]Tooltip on top[/tooltip]
[tooltip position="top" text="Tooltip on top" link="#"]Tooltip on top[/tooltip]
Tooltip on bottom [tooltip position="bottom" text="Tooltip on bottom" link="#"]Tooltip on bottom[/tooltip]
[tooltip position="bottom" text="Tooltip on bottom" link="#"]Tooltip on bottom[/tooltip]
Tooltip on right [tooltip position="right" text="Tooltip on right" link="#"]Tooltip on right[/tooltip]
[tooltip position="right" text="Tooltip on right" link="#"]Tooltip on right[/tooltip]
Tooltip on left [tooltip position="left" text="Tooltip on left" link="#"]Tooltip on left[/tooltip]
[tooltip position="left" text="Tooltip on left" link="#"]Tooltip on left[/tooltip]
The tooltip is a small “hover box” with information about the item, that appears when the user hovers the pointer over an item.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of page when looking at its layout.
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